Civil Testing & Site InvestigationCIVIL TESTING & SITE INVESTIGATION
Cube Test
What service we provide?
Measures the compressible cube strength of the concrete and relates directly to the required design strength specified by the designer.
When need to provide this service?
Requested by the client to provide evidence of test results to ensure compliance with the designer requirements. The results of the test can be used to verify design assumptions.

Cube Test

Rebound Hammer
What service we provide?
Provide the most economical, quick and easy concrete compressive strength test of colum/beam in the field. It will also provide an indices of hardness and compressive strength for other construction materials.
When need to provide this service?
Requested by the client to provide evidence of test results to ensure compliance with the designer requirements. The results of the test can be used to verify design assumptions.
Rebound Hammer
Ultrasound Test
What service we provide?
To analyze concrete and structure materials for cracks, voids, determinations and honeycombing, freeze thaw analysis and plate thickness.
When need to provide this service?
Basic testing of concrete and structural components upon request of client to obtain the characteristic of concrete. Also, to ensure that the material that was specified and bought is the same material delivered to the job site.

Ultrasound Test

Load Test
What service we provide?
Method of determining l0ad capacity of the pile foundation design. Piles can be tested for compression, tension or lateral loads.
When need to provide this service?
Basic testing of concrete and structural components upon request of client to obtain the characteristic of concrete. Also, to ensure that the material that was specified and bought is the same material delivered to the job site.
Load Test
Cover Meter Test
What service we provide?
To check the steel bar position inside concrete structure in order to produce as built drawing details for old structures, rebar scanning to avoid coring through reinforcement inside concrete.
When need to provide this service?
- As a guidance for designer to check building structure capacity before propose for strengthening such as change of usage floor area.
- In order to avoid damaging structure during coring work, cover meter test is carried out to determine the possible coring point by avoid steel bar position inside concrete.

Cover Meter Test

California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Test
What service we provide?
CBR test is performed in construction materials to evaluate the strength of soil subgrades and base course materials.
When need to provide this service?
The results is important for designer to select the best materials use as pavement and the base thickness for designing highways, parking lot and other pavement rely.
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Test
Pull Off Test
What service we provide?
The test is carried out to check the bonding between two different materials such as concrete and adhesive.
When need to provide this service?
- The test is required to verify the adhesive strength of material provided by supplier specification such as tile adhesive, CFRP adhesive.

Pull Off Test

Mackintosh Probe Test (MPT)
What service we provide?
Mackintosh Probe is a tool used for soil investigation. It is carried out to determine the soil bearing capacity which indicates it strength.
When need to provide this service?
- The test is suitable for new construction site area to check the soil condition before construction start.
- The test data is useful for consultant for designing underground structure such as pile cap, pad footing and etc.
Mackintosh Probe Test (MPT)
Crack Monitoring Tell Tale Gauge
What service we provide?
To monitor the structural crack movement at slab, beam, wall and etc. The gauge to be install at crack line formation to indicate whether there are movement in both horizontal and vertical directions of the structure.
When need to provide this service?
- The crack monitoring gauge need to be installed to monitor the severity of the crack line formation.
- To verify an existing crack line whether it is an active or passive cracks.
- The method of repair also depending on the results from tell-tale gauge monitoring results.

Crack Monitoring Tell Tale Gauge